Что пишут:MERSEA Crystals Bath Salts for the body and feet. These salts are enriched with 27 minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, sulfur- and more). They clean, moisturize, soothe, nourish, and stimulate cell replenishment. Aromatic salts treat cuts and are recommended for such skin conditions as: eczema, psoriasis, scaly skin, allergic irritations, seborrhea, and skin rashes. Aromatic salts can be used to soothe swollen feet and relieve athlete�s foot. In the bath, the salts relieve muscle tension and leave the body feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Aromatic Bath Salts are available in several intoxicating fragrances: relaxing lavender, energizing vanilla, passiflora, refreshing lemon grass, sensual angel � Blue Ocean and mixed sent scent.
Directions for use: Dissolve one cup of bath salts (approx. 200 ml.) into a bath of warm water and soak for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash with soap and rinse in lukewarm water. Salts are also suitable for use in home hot-tub for foot treatment, dissolve ½ cup of salt into a footbath and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
На деле: Восхитительный запах! Я делаю ванночки для рук, один раз использовала в ванной, мне очень понравилось.
Цена: подарок
Оценка: 10 баллов